

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

Manage Group’s family is growing up

We are now into our 13th year and have reached an important milestone.

Our kids are big enough to leave home. As of 1 April, our four divisions will become standalone businesses with their own staff and their own bank accounts. We have four teenagers, all ready to leave home at the same time – gulp!

Dad is very proud.

After 12 years of grafting, travelling the length of the country dozens of times in his old dinger of a Holden station wagon, sleeping in the back, pretending to be a successful businessman. Too many times eating two-minute noodles and bread, and way too much coffee.  

But hey, you know what, it was worth it!  

We have an amazing team. For them to put up with me is well, humbling and scary. Seriously though, I am incredibly proud of everyone and am chuffed that they are part of our journey.

Revenue is in the 7 figures, profit is looking good, we have 9 staff and are currently recruiting two more. We have partnerships with wonderful organisations like TBI Health, MedPro, PracMed, Safe365, HouseCall, People Group, and many others.

All of that is secondary of course to all our clients. We typically partner clients for the long-term across all our divisions. There have been amazing highs such as the growth experienced by our clients including setting up offshore (India, Aussie, US, UK, to name a few). There have also been lows and it doesn’t get any more heavy then with fatalities. Our role is to guide, confide, consult, protect, listen. Sometimes we give a shoulder whilst other times we wind up a good kick up the butt. 

Always with love.

What’s next we hear you ask?  Over the next 4 weeks I will share more on each of our 4 businesses. For now, I’ll just share the following.

  • ManageACC: make ACC Claim Management and Occupational Health sexy.

  • ManageOSH: be mavericks in the H&S space and keep challenging the Main Contractors / Government Agencies on behalf of the subbies.

  • ManageQUALS: make training easy for employers across the H&S, Wellness and ACC Claims space.

  • ManageSHOPS: safety & first aid products at affordable prices

Marty Wouters