

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

Maturity @ Manage Group

On 1 April 2023, we evolved from one business with 4 divisions to 4 standalone companies with a Head Office.

Why you ask?

Good question and thanks for asking!

It’s all about maturity. Each division was getting big enough to be its own business, have its own governance & strategy.

Each division is also on a mission. No, we’re not putting the band back together (if you get that pun you are showing your age!) but we do want employers to be better treated by both ACC and Worksafe NZ. Whilst we are at it, we also want to disrupt the safety product, clothing and first aid space in NZ and challenge how we do training.

So, rather than dealing with Manage Group per se, you will now be dealing with one or more of the following.

  • ManageACC: ACC Brokering and Claims Management including Occupational and Allied Health.

  • ManageOSH: Health & Safety consulting covering governance, operational, systems, and more.

  • ManageSHOPS: Safety gear, first aid stuff, and industrial signage. We like and support Kiwi Made.

  • ManageQUALS: Bespoke or standalone (NZQA or not) training relating to H&S, ACC, Wellness and more.

Fair to say we are pretty excited about what we are doing and where we are going.

Until the next update!

Marty Wouters