

The latest news in ACC Claims, ACC Levies, Health & Safety, Wellness, and more

Welcome to the Team!

It is with great pleasure that we announce three new additions to the Manage Group team.

  1.  Phillippa joins us under Manage Group in a bookkeeping capacity. Her role is all about driving the day-to-day accounting function and keeping Marty well away from the accounts. With good data comes good decision making and Phillippa is well placed to provide that. You can contact Phillippa via

  2.  Liz joins us under ManageACC as a Claims Administrator. In this role she owns the client relationship making sure all bookings are in place, chasing up workers to attend bookings, sorting occupational health bookings, doing client reporting, the list goes on. A very safe pair of hands and great for our clients. Liz can be contacted via

  3.  Jose joins ManageOSH as a full-time H&S Consultant based in Christchurch. Jose will, in part, service South Island clients as well as a few in the North Island. Jose has broad experience including in ISO45001. Given the wider work we do with clients, this will come in very handy. You can contact Jose via

All three align to our values of being effective; keeping it real; focused on a people first mentality; passionate about what we do; being courageous and march to our own beat; and evolve driving new solutions and ways of being.

 Welcome on-board Team, we are thrilled to have you part of the Manage family.

Marty Wouters